Clinical Trials & COVID-19

CT-0508 in Combination with Pembrolizumab Substudy

What is the purpose of the CT-0508 study in combination with Pembrolizumab?

As a phase 1 clinical trial, the goal is to learn more about the effects of the investigational HER2 targeted therapy known as CT-0508 in combination with Pembrolizumab to determine if it is safe for people with HER2 overexpression in solid tumors.

Study Therapy

What will happen during the study?

If you are eligible and choose to join, participation will last approximately up to 2 years. If you qualify, you will be asked to do the following:

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Receive Neupogen

Neupogen will be administered for 4 consecutive days to mobilize white blood cells.
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Undergo a procedure called apheresis

Some of your white blood cells will be collected from your blood to make the study treatment.
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Depending on the Regimen Level, the administration of CT-0508 will either be divided  into 3 infusions given on 3 separate days or as a single infusion given on one day.
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Receive Pembrolizumab either 1 week after starting CT-0508 or on Day 1 in combination with CT-0508

Administered at the start of the study and then every 21 days thereafter until treatment completion.
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Visit the study clinic regularly for approximately 2 years

At each visit, you will undergo tests and assessments (such as physical exams & blood tests) and answer questions about your health.

Want more information about the study? Visit to learn more about the targeted HER2 clinical trial.

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